Addressing concerns about war

This Wednesday, the sermon portion of our testimony meeting will address the terrible situation of war in Israel and Gaza. The readings from our Pastor—two books—the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, will present the hopeful message of Jesus. It will distinguish between “blood” in terms of material violence and war, and “blood” in a more spiritual sense of giving up material hatred and self-will to follow peace and love; to live the life that Jesus taught and demonstrated.

Let’s help the situation by directing our prayers towards peace, loving our neighbor and acknowledging God as all good, never the creator of war or conflict.

Attendees will share testimonies of healing after the readings. Join us in-person in the Brookdale community meeting room, just north of Roosevelt Road at 60 Nicoll Way in Glen Ellyn at 7:30 pm.

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